
Stereology based counting technique
Stereology based counting technique

stereology based counting technique

While it has been applied to physical sciences and geology since the nineteenth century, the use of stereology in the biological sciences only began in the last half of the twentieth century.

stereology based counting technique

The concepts related to stereological sampling have their roots in the mathematics of geometric probability that extend back to the Golden Age of Greece. Stereology can often be applied to in vitro studies to improve sampling validity for quantitative parameters. As changes of physiologically relevant ranges within tissue are often far below a fold difference, stereology provides a powerful analytical tool for in vivo histological studies. When appropriately applied, stereology can allow for reliable detection of differences only slightly greater than interanimal variation, that is, on the order of 15–20% differences between mean values. By using appropriate sampling procedures and applying counting or measuring protocols (known as probes), stereology makes it possible to avoid potential artifacts and errors that could significantly skew results. Obtaining accurate estimates is a critical component of producing a study outcome with statistical validity. Stereology is the process of sampling and counting material using specific protocols to obtain an estimate of a quantitative parameter, such as number, length, volume, etc.

stereology based counting technique

Peterson, in Encyclopedia of Movement Disorders, 2010 Definition and History

Stereology based counting technique